Inspired by The Vast Wild Beauty in Marin

This poem was inspired by the vast wild beauty in Marin

And how lucky we are to live here….

Student of Nature

To be a student of nature

Studying the veins of leaves

Mesmerized by the waves

Analyzing the scent of the air

Pursuing the winds dance

Languishing over the birds song

Watching the way the butterflies

Chase after one another in perfect circles

Sensing how the roots know to come alive each spring

Sending their green stalks upwards Into the light

Waiting for the tulip trees to open their secret and release it boldly

Following the jasmine blossoms as they unwind in the darkest hours

And there we lay still on the earth with it’s mashed up pinecones and tree bark

With the rocks smooth from the sea,

The sky broken open

I’ll take a piece of the earth with me and study it obsessively

Possibly a serpentine rock or

A photo of a soaring falcon

It’s the unspoken that speaks most passionately

To be a student of nature

Pursuing the bounty of the earth with dedication

Grace and wisdom

No enrollment fees

No exams

Just limitless wisdom

Marin Nomad

As a photographer, writer, psychotherapist and nature lover, I am passionate about living in Marin County, CA. The perfect home base, Fairfax, CA is where I get out daily on the miles and miles of open space and find inspiration and plot my next journey out of Marin into the world. The Marin Nomad site was born in 2014 out of a desire to share some of what I experience here in Marin and during my travels. The world has been through a lot since then, especially recently and there a need more than ever to be out in the natural world. Please see my other sites: Instagram: @maryserphos Photography: Psychotherapy: Inspirational Card Deck:

One comment

  • I really like your poem! I write a lot of similar stuff on my blog you should check it out!

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